You can easily and quickly import your active email accounts and messages with IncrediMail.IncrediMail is a fun, powerful and user-friendly email program available to everyone free of charge. IncrediMail lets you add 1000s of Email backgrounds, Emoticons, Ecards, sounds, Animations, and 3D effects to your emails. You also get fun animated characters to notify you of incoming email.IncrediMail is compatible with leading email services including Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, and AOL, and supports POP mail protocols as well as HTML mail formatting. The program includes advanced message filtering, automatic spellchecker, and font style preferences.Advanced, feature-rich email program that offers you an unprecedented interactive experience
20 Temmuz 2009 Pazartesi
IncrediMail 5.86 Build 4237
You can easily and quickly import your active email accounts and messages with IncrediMail.IncrediMail is a fun, powerful and user-friendly email program available to everyone free of charge. IncrediMail lets you add 1000s of Email backgrounds, Emoticons, Ecards, sounds, Animations, and 3D effects to your emails. You also get fun animated characters to notify you of incoming email.IncrediMail is compatible with leading email services including Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, and AOL, and supports POP mail protocols as well as HTML mail formatting. The program includes advanced message filtering, automatic spellchecker, and font style preferences.Advanced, feature-rich email program that offers you an unprecedented interactive experience