7 Ağustos 2009 Cuma
ConquerCam is an easy to use application for grabbing images from your web cam, preparing them with various effects and uploading them to your web site. You caneasily customize ConquerCam in different ways, such as selecting how often you want to grab and upload images, which overlay effects you want to use (many of the standard Adobe PhotoShop effects are available), and the number and type of captions to put on your grabbed image. It is commonly used to grab an image from your web cam, apply an overlay effect which gray out certain areas of the image, add some captions with name of your web site and timestamp of when the image was grabbed and finally upload the image to a web site.These kind of actions are in focus in ConquerCam and thus makes this application very useful, very fast.ConquerCam allows motion detection features as well. You will be able to useit as a security camera and it will optionally send you an email with theimage when motion was detected. With the motion detection feature, you willbe able to save entire AVI files too. This allows you to get a better idea ofwhat happend while the motion occurred.A wide variety of web cams was tested too: · Logitech QuickCam Pro USB · Logitech (Connectix) QuickCam VC Parallel · Logitech QuickCam Express USB · Creative ShareVision CCD Cam · Philips ToUCamA low-priced easy to use webcam manager for grabbing images from your web cam